Hobbies and Interests

I am Nathan Aleman and I am from Southern California. I was born in Glendale, Los Angeles but now my family currently resides in Huntington Beach, California. My favorite TV show is 'The Office' and my favorite move is 'Inception'.

On my free time, I enjoy playing soccer. I played all throughout high school, the high school team and outside club teams, and now I play for Westminster College. I also love to draw. I mainly specialize in new school, more cartoonish drawings, and I would say that drawing is probably my favorite thing to do.

Since I have lived in Southern California my whole life, I have never seen snow. When I moved to Utah for school, I took up snowboarding during the winters. Snowboarding is very exhilarating for me and kind of gives me an adrenaline rush. It is definitely my new exciting hobby and I am very glad this snow is pretty soft to fall in.

My favorite thing ever would be my two dogs that I have. I have one husky german sheperd mix and one silver lab. They wake me up every morning at 7 to eat and go to the dog park. They always keep me on my toes and surprise me with something new everyday. My favorite activity with them is to take them to the dog beach and see how much fun they have.

Programming Experience

In the fall of 2017, I started my college career off at California State University of Chico. When I had my first orientation, I had no idea what major I wanted to pursue but I knew I wanted to be apart of the engineering department. I attended several orientation meetings and the professor that interested me the most was the computer science department. Then started my programming career.

At Chico State, I was taking lower divison courses and was learning command line tools and C++. I did not realize how raw and low level C++ was until I learned other programming languages. I was programming C++ at Chico State for one year and a half because I wasn't able to attend for half a semester due to an unforeseen heart condition. In that time that I couldn't attend school, I was working full time and unfortunatley took a break from programming. However, I did a lot of thinking and decided it was time to expand my horizon and transfer schools.

I then started to continue my programming career at Westminster College, Utah. At this establishment, I started my upper division courses and really expanded my programming knowledge. I learned Python, Java, C, Bash, Assembly, SQL, and R. With my new knowledge of Python and R, I decided to then pursue a minor in Data Science. I obtained a job on campus where I web scrape for a Quantitative Research Analysis group to get data sets for our data science course at Westminster.

I have been enjoying learning new languages and methods that I taking online courses to further my knowledge in programming. For instance, I took a course in Web Development where I learned HTML, CSS, Javascript, and MongoDB, hence me creating my own website portfolio. I also took a course in iOS development learning swift and how to create apps. There are many more courses to learn from and I can't wait to improve my programming knowledge.
